Weekly Update

This week Francisco, Patrick, and I all decided to focus our energy onto a specific part of the project, instead of branching off to doing to our own individual portions of the project. We felt like we were not getting anywhere. Along with this, we finally got around to getting a weekly meeting set-up so that we could get tasks accomplished outside of the allotted time for ME 195a. This meeting helped immensely because we could finally meet without the distractions that the class may offer and just focus on what we need to do. While frustrated that I, as team lead, could not get these meetings running sooner, I am glad that we actually made some progress with our project. We also plan to do some hand-calculations for FEA of the current solar panel mount just to understand what we are working with on a more technical and mathematically rooted way, and I will be spearheading this portion. Reflecting on this week, if we continue to work like this, I see no issues in being able to create an effective solar panel mount that not only gets the right amount of energy for the entirety of the project to work, but also a uniquely designed structure.

-Jordan Schultz


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