Weekly Update

This week, Francisco, Patrick, and I were asked to develop a more specified plan of our design specifications to get ourselves back onto track and to start asking the right questions when it came to thinking ahead for this project. With this plan in mind we put to work and have started to learn more things about how we should be presenting our project for presentation 3, as well as trying to figure out how to use our time more effectively so that we won't find ourselves in this situation again. From what I could see, we need to be more clear on all the steps that we take in our design progress. We have to keep everything well documented, because although everyone in the team knows what steps we're going to take next, not everyone else would know that just looking at us. We hope to take this lesson to heart and to develop a better presentation next time, especially one that looks more well prepared than this last one. I have also learned, from being team lead, that it is difficult to keep everyone on the same page for the project. Especially when other things come up in other classes that would distract us from our goals in this project. While being more receptive to this, I am looking for new ways to make sure that everyone can do their assignments without the need for constant nagging and guiding. Reflecting on this week, and the past couple of week, I learned that I need to start asking more questions to the people around me, especially to the project coaches, if my team and I want to get this project done right.

-Jordan Schultz


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